

  • Architected a solution with React.JS (Next.JS) UI for seller, portal and admin websites across a distributed hybrid cloud environment with a Node.JS (Strapi) backend and postgresql. CI/CD through Github actions automatically deployed on PR or push to branches. Builds UI code and backend Docker images for API calls. Leveraged Strapi Headless CMS for graphql communication on the frontend. Implemented custom email template designer, payments systems, external product lookups and third party API integrations.
  • Integrated with Azure Cloud leveraging a VPN for internal communication and transference of backup data to an onsite location. Managed over 500 vendors and over 6000 products. Worked remotely to teams across the US.
  • JS, Next.JS, Node.JS, Strapi, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JSX, SASS, Azure, Apollo, GraphQL, Natural Language Processor (NLP)

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